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How to choose the right domain name?

I tried to write this guide so, in what I'd wanted to see him as a reader: simple, understandable, sometimes witty, factual and concise, but in its own way an exhaustive list. I hope that this style types to taste and everything has been given to the proverbial fork.

tworzenie strony www

Why did this guide?
Many people wonder how to choose a domain: for personal website, corporate, sales, blog, forum or shop. There are so many possibilities, and yet you have to decide on one name (domain). What to choose? This guide is 100% will help you in solving this type of dilemma. 30 tips domain is a collection of all the tips that came into my head. It's a complete set of rules. If you have further after the course have any doubts - necessarily write me about it. This takes into account when developing guidance.

First, a few words about domains.

What is a domain?
A domain is your address on the Web. Just like in the real world (in the "real world"), you have your personal time, company, address of your school, email, etc. So the Internet addresses are domain. So, if you want to in any way exist on the Web - you need to have your own domain name. Most often more than one.


Types of domains
The basic types of domains are:
> .com (In concept: Commercial)
> .net (Companies related to the activities of the Internet)
> .org (Organizations)
> .edu (Education, for some time, anyone can register a domain
> .gov (Government, state institutions; these domains have a high positioning strength - like .edu
> .info (Information services)
> .biz (Business)
> .name (Private services; in Poland rarely used)
> National domain, that domain endings: .com (Poland), .uk (United Kingdom), .fr (France) and so on. 
> Combinations of domains global and national (Polish commercial companies or foreign) ,. (companies related to the activity on the Web) ,. (Polish government)
> Regional eg .: (ie. The second level domain)
> Subdomain - if you have registered a domain name, for example., you can on its basis to build any number of subdomains, for example.; of course, you pay only once (for a domain), and subdomains do you no longer cost.

What is great internet domain?
You'll know after reading this guide ;-)
Excellent domain is one that will be your advantage, not a crutch. Is one that will increase your sales, will be recognized, will help you succeed on the Internet. Examples of great domains? Here you go:,,,,,,,

Tip#1: Only ending .pl

For me, this is by far the most important issue: the extension or colloquially - end. All my basic services have the extension .com (regional, national, appropriate for our country). Why? The reasons are many. Here are 7 important:

domena pl min Reason 1
The end of .com is the most popular in Poland. Most people tip Forums in general is associated with... domains. So if someone forgets extension of your address, probably will be looking (typed in the browser bar or the search box) your name with the .com extension. And if at this address will not be parked in your service, but... (see next point)

Reason 2
If you register a domain with a different ending, eg. .com Or .eu, a lot of risk. Suppose (just hypothetically) that you want to have for your online store with shoes domain, but it is busy. You are looking for other extensions and it turns out that is free. Thus the firing is like hell, and you register the domain in 2 minutes. Ok super. Only now think: if the domain ending in .com (ie here: is a service that is not for you direct competition (say, a foundation, association, etc. - Though the shoes are just blurted out, hehe), it yet nothing much is happening. Someone at not find shoes on sale (and looking for just shoes or simply your site, which extend forgot), so look for a little while longer, and maybe find your shop. Perhaps ... because there are other extensions and is a search engine. If someone does not find what he was looking after typing the address directly into your browser, usually gives up the attempt and is searching on Google. So it's not you laugh. And if at is your competition, which is another shoe store - you duuuży trouble. Promoting your store, greatly promote competition. Is that what you mean?

Reason 3
The extension .com is the most confidence in Poland. As I see it I know that serious approach to business. As I see / biz / info or / net, it's always... a little less. Why? Because if they do not have .pl it means:
a) a) they were not free when they wanted to register, so they took another extension; They went the easy way out - could yet come up with a different domain name and register it with the .pl extension. Maybe the company is thin...?
b) they do not know each other on domains, they do not know that .pl extension is optimal - maybe in other aspects they are also weak ...? etc., etc.
b) do not know their domains, they do not know that the .pl extension is optimal - can in other aspects are also weak...? etc., etc. Perhaps I exaggerate a little, and not everyone thinks like I do. Consent. This does not change the fact that EVERY reputable company should have a domain with the extension .com (at least company). Dot.

tworzenie www legnica

Reason 4
If you act in Poland, the optimal extension is .com. If you act in Poland and abroad - also invest in the .com extension. Also, ie. The best, if you have two domain .com and .com. Reason? See sections 1-3.

Reason 5
If ever you come to sell your domain, most likely you will take the domain with .pl extension.

Reason 6
If someone else operates under a name and there is no extension .com, and you will use the same name at a different extension, sometimes you can be in trouble. When? When you violate the good name of the Forum, when you break the rules of healthy competition, where he is entitled to the name. The more place for the originality of its name and .pl extension.

Reason 7
Remember: many people in Poland do not know (those less educated in new technologies) that are different domain than the .pl extension! If your target audience is precisely such people, a domain with a different extension can significantly hinder you conduct business or e-business.

Tip#2: The domain or subdomain?

The domain or subdomain? What's better? What to choose?

In most cases the better the domain (of course with the .pl extension, if you manage to sleep yesterday's tip ;-)

wybor domeny min However, are exceptions to this rule:

1. If you want to build a brand on any domain, you can have the main, basic service domain (eg. Corporate website), a blog or a forum on subdomain. Then just a simple name that says it all: or Sam I use this solution.

2. If you care about wypozycjonowaniu some domain, then you can put on subdomains, eg. Some thematic services, which also will be positioning. Effect? Subdomain will strengthen from the pozycjonerskiej domain.

3. Sometimes you can attempt to create pages on subdomains sales. What is going on? Have an example. Service name: I sell a few products. You create the sales pages on subdomains company domain:, etc. Sometimes this tactic might make sense (eg. When a large number of products you want to promote on separate websites). However, I prefer to create sales pages on separate domains.

4. If you have a registered domain, you can create on the basis of any number of subdomains. Of course, with any words. Therefore subdomain they give you a lot of flexibility in inventing addresses.

Why subdomain is usually worse than the domain? Here are the 3 main reasons:

1.It is longer than the first domain
2. It looks less professional
3. It is more difficult to remember it

At the end of yet another tip: avoid like the plague subdomains for free hostingach! Of course, you can bet on the subdomain of a mini page of your facilities pozycjonerskiego. But, for example. Your blog expert, shop, forum, or - it's scary to pronounce - company website? Never!

From the beginning, invest in a pair of gold domain. You will not have problems in the future with the relocation of the service under a different domain (matures at the end of this decision ;-)

Oh, one more thing: never take a domain or subdomain in the lease. What it really be? Building a business around someone else's domain? Total dependence on this someone? Forget about this solution. Upon completion of this course you will be able to come up with a great domain without a problem.

Tip#3: Domain without Polish characters

polskie znaki Certainly there are people who with me will not agree. I am in this respect almost orthodox. Just a good domain for me is the one that has the words having no Polish characters. Of course, I'm talking about the correct spelling of words. Example? Here you are (probably you know it):

If Matthew had Chłodnicki again from scratch to create your ebusiness, I think I invented a different (read:. Better) domain.

You say, "But Golden Thoughts are very popular. Many people are familiar with this release. I page. So what's the problem?"

The problem is that this domain is of Polish characters ;-)

I think about building a platform for free and paid e-books (this idea, however, must wait for their time). Even I registered the domain: I think it is a class better than Why? Because:

1. There is no Polish characters
2. It makes sense (it will be mentioned at the Tips #4)
3. Has alliteration and rhyme (will be observed in the tips #12)
4. It is easy to remember (tip #5)
5. It is easy to dictate (tip #6)
6. It's hard to make a mistake typing the domain in the browser bar
7. Cool transmit the contents of the site: reading on the screen is just reading the ebook


Domains with Polish characters are not a good choice because:

1. You have to wonder how to enter a domain to the bar of your browser: the Polish characters or without them? I enter or www.złotemyś - maybe another way?

2. When dictating the domain, usually need to explain that it has no Polish characters (if you have a version of this domain also tails - this issue just falls).

3. Often the domain of Polish characters look weird, so to speak, precisely because there is no Polish characters in the record domain. Example? What do you think, seeing the domain: (And this is after all so obvious, that it is about a blade, hehehe).

4. Since a long time (since 2003), you can register a domain with Polish characters (such www.żół instead, having a domain from the words on the tails (the correct spelling), but without tails - You should also have a domain with tails. Why? Because some people enters your domain tails, so it is better that they came to your site, not a competition, right? Therefore increase the costs (additional domain registration and renewal). However, if you decide that's what I do, go for one of these two domains (of course, the best on this without tails) and do a 301 redirect to one of them (will be observed in the tips#26).

There are so many opportunities to register good domain without Polish characters that forget ó, ę, ś, ą and so on. Not worth it.

Tip#4 Create a domain of meaning

Why have a domain of meaning? It's easy:
1. It is much easier to remember
2. Such domain always says something


What does it mean "the domain of sense"? This domain name that contains the word / words from the dictionary (the Polish language or foreign language) arranged in a meaningful return / single word. So in general we can say.

domeny z sensem min

Examples? Here you are:

1. - of course, went on (redirect shorter domain). This domain says what the service (the longer of course!). Though not literally, but you know immediately that it is about something related to netem and that is probably the activity carried out on a national scale.

2. - my domain sprzedażowa. It has one disadvantage: the double "e". However, its advantages, in my opinion, far outweigh disadvantages: this domain just says a lot about what is beneath it hides ( it would be an exaggeration, of course ;-) Besides, it has 2 excellent words secrets and ebusiness. The words themselves are selling. Other advantages of this domain: easy to dictate and remember.

3. - the last play of corciano in different plays in this site ;-) I do not recommend, because it devours time, hehe. Remember that this domain - although it makes sense - it is a very trivial and a little dull; hardly anyone will remember after a week, whether it was, or maybe

Remember, however, that such domains are not suitable for the brand! If you want to build a recognizable brand on the Web (and Offline - in real life), put on a unique name (not words common type

What are best suited domain 2 or even 3 of expressive meaning? On the sales page (or pages type of squeeze page building base mail).

Domains with meaning, 2 or 3 membered be separated by a hyphen, but this will be discussed (tip#9).

Thus the title of this lesson ( "Create a domain of meaning") should be properly understood: Create a domain, if it makes sense ... ;-) (for branding and brand building this sense rather not have).

legnica tworzenie stron internetowych

Tip#5: The domain easy to remember

It's probably not news to you. The easier to remember domain name, this is better:
- Greater its marketing potential;
- Is worth more;
- Reach more people;
- Lower marketing costs (you do not need a lot of times, "bother" someone to remember such a domain).


OKAY. So let's try to answer the question, what characteristics should have a domain that was easy to remember:

1. Possibly short
Very general rule. In general, in fact it is so: the shorter address, the easier it is to remember. Sooner you remember domain than (by the way - both occupied ;-). But not always shorter domain name is easier to remember. Sooner than you remember
However, the principle remains the rule: usually the shorter domain, the easier it is to remember (tip#8)

2. Without dash/es
Hmm, that's it. Domain with a dash / s harder to remember. Therefore, if you have registered two variants of the same domain, eg and often a good idea to promote the domain without hyphens (and domain forwarding with dashes on this domain). This does not apply where the primary means of your e-marketing will be positioning - then place it on a domain with hyphens (tip#9)

3. Avoid unnecessary prefixes
For example, it has become popular. Add at the beginning of "i" (i as the Internet) or at "24" (i.e., 24 hours non-stop). How do you think: better to remember domain or And in the case and Perhaps this ;-)

4. Do not use abbreviations
Another general rule. Shortcuts are very difficult to remember. Do not be influenced by the type of exceptions PZU, NBP (surely?), CBA (surely?) And CIA (everyone knows a shortcut, though not everyone associates that it is precisely abbreviation of the Central Intelligence Agency). These are the exceptions; Moreover, these names have risen beyond the Internet. You probably start from Networks. The more shortcuts almost always be a bad choice (tip#14)

5. Do not use numbers
There will be a few exceptions to this rule (eg. The names of each product type This does not change the fact that the numbers usually difficult to remember domain (tip#11)

6. Do not use difficult words
About what the words mean? Eg. Beams, supplying food, profusion, diuresis, frenezja... ;-)

7. Register the extension .com
Exactly! The best zapamiętywalność in Poland have a .com domain. Another argument for this to move his head a little and develop a good .com domain with the extension (and not go the easy way and if the Forum is busy - to register another tip).

At the end of this lesson, remember that it is good to do tests. Before you decide to place on 1 domain, take the test several variants. Just use this to your friends, family. Give them eg. Telephone domain name ... and after a week you ask for it again. Certainly, the result can sometimes surprise you ;-)

Tip#6: Domain easy to dictate.

Remember that the domain should be matched to the functions and tasks that you put in front of her. If it is the domain of "search engine related" (the vast majority of inputs by Google), then dictate domain descends into the background (I'm not saying that at all then it is not important - it just is not a priority). This does not change the fact that in most cases the ease of dictation domain is crucial. The ease and uniqueness of its sound. What is going on?

The domain is easy to dictate the domain:

domena latwa do podyktowania min min 1. Brief (tip#8)
It's not always like that. Because such. harder than dictate But the point of general principle: the shorter the domain (less dictating), the better. And less error prone dictation, or rather the understanding of the listener.

2. With sense (tip#4)
As you can see, developing a good domain in most cases the art of compromise. You can not create a domain that will be perfect in every way. I just can not. In this case the same. If the domain has to be the sense of easy for her dictation (eg., it usually will not be a good domain for branding, brand building - here work best names abstract, new words, words like clumps. (tip#18).

3. Without the Polish letters (tip#3)
I mean a domain that contain words written normally (correctly) with Polish characters, for example. (so there is no misunderstanding: it is the word "wand" ;-) In this case, the most common kind of have to explain the meaning, construction domain "listen, go to wuwuwu wand peel, but it's just a wand, but without Polish characters, or wand, yes, yes, rice with tears between ky and" - did not make myself here eggs.

What other domains of Polish characters (ie. IDN), ie eg. Www.różdż However, I am opposed to such domains - in my opinion, will not accept in our country.

4. A clear sounding
What is going on? Look at 2 domain and You already know what I'm saying? The letters "p" and "b" sound similar, so one hears "flail", and another man "ceb". Of course you can repeat, spell domain. This does not change the fact that this niejednoznaczość obstruct your life and you'll swear it.

5. Without digits (tip#11)
The numbers of domains is generally a bad idea. In addition, also hindered by dictating. Why? Because if you say to someone: "Go to wuwuwu three times as peel", why this one has to know you're talking about domain,, maybe (By the way, the domain to take ;-)

You could be a long time to write about dictating domains, but dilutes the subject. Basic rules you already know. Nothing, however, will not replace the test. Just dictate domain dozen people "face to face" and by phone. You will hear their reactions and you will know Witold whether this domain easily dictate.

A good idea is the diversity of people, which are testing domain. Let it be not only young people with perfect hearing. If your dad, like mine, is weaker slightly hearing test on it will have a double value: to find out if in difficult conditions (poor telephone connection, noise, conversation in the car, in the open air, the crackling messaging service with child crying next to ... - but they broke up, hehe ;-) domain is quickly and unambiguously associated and understood.

Tip#7: The appropriate language by inventing domain.

This tip is somewhat optional, and can not always be / should be attached to his weight. As for the language in the development domain. Your domain should "speak" to hit your target audience. Another uses a vocabulary youth, and another elderly.

Music store
- Version for very young people (say <17):
- Version for slightly older young people and middle-aged (18-50):
- Version for the elderly (>51): ;-)
Of course this is only examples designed to demonstrate the differences in vocabulary, which used by people of all ages.

Portal / website for job
- Version for young people (<30): - version for the elderly, that is, for me, hehe (>30):

When it comes to the language domain, pay attention to another aspect. The names of foreign language can make such a big problem. Poles. Examples: (better to write in big letters:, etc. English words are generally not a bad idea for domains promoted in Poland, but the best if they clearly and simply pronounced. I think of words such as: enter, smart or format.

Once again I emphasize: do not take this tipa mandatory. You will find many exceptions to this rule. Nevertheless, it is also analyze the created domain in terms of language.

Tip#8: Is the length of a domain... does it matter?

dlugosc domeny

The short answer is YES, the length of a domain is important. In general, the shorter the domain the better. Why? Because:

1. It is easier to remember her faster than you remember

2. Faster It dictates
Not only is it faster dictates - is also less likely to make a mistake dictation.

3. It looks better
Short domain usually looks better than long: it is more compact, easier to "embrace" her. Many people have a short domain is considered to be more professional than the long. In other words, short domain may raise more confidence.

4. It is easier / faster typing it into your browser
It is easier and faster. Like a detail, but always willingly and often enter directly in the browser bar a short domain than long tapeworms. On the Internet, anyone in a hurry, so the shorter the domain the better.

5. Improved graphical presentation 
What I mean? If you have a long domain name, for example., then it takes up a lot of space when writing. This is inconvenient in many places. If, for example. Have limited space for advertising, it's a long domain (so you can fit it in the advertising) must be written in small print properly. Omitting the "www" little bit helps (shortening record), but not much. However, when a short domain is not enough that it can be better to graphically present (larger font in a field of a given width), it is also - if you have a place - next to the domain you can still enter the tagline (marketing slogan). In other words, a similar amount of space in the line will:
What: - meble do ogrodu

Unfortunately, most of the short name is already taken. So you will probably register a domain but long. Although ... As it regards the words common, indeed: little has been. However, if you want to build a brand around the domain, it would usually not be a common word.

Recently I think the domain for one of my ebiznesów. And with the .pl extension it is a whole bunch of cool 5-typos. Worse with a .com extension. Here, sometimes I have the impression that people record in random mode, at random. Why do I think so? Because not only common words are registered with a .com extension, but also all sorts of clusters verbal. However, if you have a good nagłowisz, then with a .com extension will be cool 6-typo.

grafik komputerowy

Tip#9: The domain with or without a hyphen?

One of the hottest issues related domains: dash. If I were to give you one, most general counsel, sounded by it: without the hyphen. However, this is a generalization, and it is not always optimal output.

On the dash could be dywagować a long time. I do not want to bore you, however. I recommend you necessarily read thread on And here I will briefly set of arguments for and against.

Why domain with hyphens is a bad idea? Because:

1. It is harder dictates ( "free course dash dash positioning peel" versus "free course positioning peel")
2. It is harder stores (more characters and you have to remember the dash / myślnikach). I know what you say: "But domain with a dash / hyphen is clearer! So it easier to remember." Remember specific words and phrases - probably yes. But remember that it is written with a hyphen (!) - Here, unfortunately, it is not well.
3. It is longer than the same domain without the hyphens (a length, as you know, is important)
3. It is longer than the same domain without the hyphens (a length, as you know, is important)
4. Do not be surprised as anyone to hear the "www good dash wine peel", typed in the browser or www .dobremyś ;-) They will not be frequent, but believe me - happen!

Why is the domain of dashes can be a good idea? Because:
1. It is easier to read. Compare: and - in the domain of dashes you see immediately separated the words and do not have to bother to separate the individual words of one over the lettering.
2. It is better in positioning. Google dash as treated as space, therefore the domain of hyphens is simply a separate words.
Even if we consider that keywords in the domain have only a negligible impact on the positioning of these key phrases, there is still one more important aspect. Well gro of links to sites simply by pasting their address. And what? That if you have a domain, such a link contains great keywords and phrases:
- free
- domain
- Internet
- Free domain
- Internet domain
- Free Internet domain
However, if you have a domain, then link with a domain instead of cool anchor text (eg. "Free domain") is less valuable and you are not positioned directly under the above keywords and phrases.

One solution for long domains without hyphens is to use uppercase letters: instead Note, however, that not everywhere domain will be labeled with large letters (eg. In the browser bar). Also, do not count on that, except you others will write their your domain with large letters (not 99.9%).

So what to do? My advice:
1. If you have an idea for a long domain (2 or 3 words), register both the domain and do a 301 redirect to one of them. Which? It's your choice. Short advice: if priority is positioning - select this with dashes as the main domain; if the domain will function well as Offline - you can bet on the version without hyphens.
2. Do not use more than 3 words in a domain! This domain looks bad - even with dashes. 3 words to max. This rule applies regardless of whether you have a domain with or without hyphens. Some even claim that more than two hyphens in a domain is frowned upon by Google (not confirm this thesis, although Google is constantly changing its algorithm and can sometimes treat long a domain of 3 or more hyphens worse than domains with fewer hyphens).
3. If the domain that you will develop itself without hyphens is busy or busy with hyphens, do not register the remaining free domain! Of course there will be exceptions to this rule. Sam registered the domain, without But this is not my main service in eBusiness; Besides, this domain is just strictly the positioning (and here is optimal). This does not change the fact that almost always have a domain with or without a hyphen when someone else uses the second option - part of the movement will flee to the second domain. Of course you can try to buy the domain name, but ... usually a better solution would be simply to register another domain.

In a sense, a bit of confusion introduced It is most popular in Poland domain with a dash. And she was popularized in our country dash domains. Now, more people associate the fact that there is such a thing as a domain with a dash ;-)

As you can see, there is no simple answer to the question of whether the domain is better with or without a hyphen. Each case is individual and - with the knowledge in this topic - you need to select the optimum variant.

strona responsywna

Tip#10: With www or without www - that is the question

This question and perhaps you wonder: why bother with the "www"? Let it be freely - so once again, yes. There are several reasons why you should opt for something. Below I will discuss them.

Remember that the Web (short for World Wide Web) is not obligatory. Having registered any domain, you can use 2 of its versions: with or without www. Although hard here to talk about the versions of the domain - this is just another of her record. Recording from www subdomain is nothing.

Why choose to write once and use it consistently? Here are the 3 main reasons:

1. For Google and 2 different sites (!). In other words, Google expects to find at these two addresses different content / content. If your site can be accessed by typing and (without the www), Google's algorithms can pull up to the duplication / duplicate content (ie. Duplicate Content). It is one of the oldest spammer techniques, for which the penalty of Big Brother.

So what should you do? Opt for 1 record (with www or without www) and make a 301 redirect to the selected address. This is best done using a .htaccess file (technical clarification of this issue here).

2. Recognition domain. If you used interchangeably: once with and once without the internet internet - you enter unnecessary confusion. Not everyone knows that the domain may be the internet or without (still a lot of people always fits internet thinking that is necessary). Therefore strongly to one variant will make your domain will be slightly better recognizable.
Beware: if your target group is very poorly "Internet-educated" or are elderly, I advise you to select the recording of the internet (that's what these people often think that the domain (what is it ??? ;-) domain must have internet ).

3. The length of the domain. In my opinion it is worth stick (obviously not tightly - will be exceptions) to the following principles:
>>> If the domain is very long - select recording without the internet (eg. vs. or vs. In this case the internet unnecessarily extends the record of 4 characters (3 x internet and the dot).
>>> If the domain has an average length (eg., or - select from the internet or not (though I advise, however, no).
>>> If the domain is very short (eg.,, or - you can choose to record from www. In this case the internet may even increase the readability domain and in general clearly show that it is the domain. Especially in logos, where domain may lose some visually for readability, adding the internet will show unequivocally that this is the Internet address. On the other hand, it's easier to remember shorter domain, which is theoretically without www. Therefore, do not take this advice obligatory, and only as a clue.

And that's it.

grafik stron www

Tip#11: Do digits in the domain is a good idea?

Generally, no. However, and this rule can be exceptions.

Why is the domain of numbers is a bad idea? Because:

1. There are clear when speaking.
If you hear 'go to wuwuwu trzykaczki peel ", it's about what the address was mentioned? There are 2 possibilities: or Of course, you can partially work around this problem by registering both the domain and doing a 301 redirect to one of them. Remember one thing: if one of these domains is busy, do not register a second! Why? Because some users will confuse and entered on the second serve.
A eg. domain? Someone will dictate you "wuwuwu three times as peel". OKAY. And what you type into the browser:, or maybe Of course this is a fairly extreme case, when dealing with domain "doubly ambiguous" (number 3 and the multiplication sign - x). But it shows clearly that the ambiguous domain is a bad idea.

2. If you combine numbers with letters / words that was "fun" is even worse. Example? - number 4 there is no English translation as "four", but as "for" (with English. for, or 4Fun = "for fun"). Other examples:, Such domains may look great visually, you can make them cool logos, but ... to dictate are hopeless.

3. The numbers hard to remember. Remember for example. domain, if you see it somewhere? Unlikely. We can say that there are 2 exceptions to this rule that can be found below.

When the domain with the number / numbers can make sense and be ok? If:

1.This is the first one or two digits. Domain easy to remember and to dictate (of course it would be good if the domain was also your - you know why). Domain also easy to remember. For obvious reasons ;-) Although the domain been worse - just me with nothing special to not associate, but that's maybe because I'm a guy, and all I associate with one...

2. The number of domain says something. So, for example.:
> (eg. For some portal historical)
> (most of us have some associations: 101 Dalmatians, Depeche Mode album (yeah!), Or from Orwell)
> (It`s known)
> ;-)
> (model Peugeot)
> (serial)

There is a "mykes", which you can use in business. I mean a symbiosis of several elements, which can give a nice effect.
Let's say you have a nice business phone number, eg. 609 609 609 (probably about this will be hard, but it's just an example). You're doing promotion in which to win is - of course! - 609 awards. And you draw (pronounced. Repurchases) domain Promotional campaign in the trio can produce interesting effects. 
Another solution may be permanent (not just a one-time action) to promote the domain to this example. Tagline (slogan) Company: 609 products for the climber.
If you do not want to odkupować domain (unless all 3-digit of the Forum are already occupied), you can choose for example. (as I write these words - still free ;-). Although of course this is no longer the force, which

Tip#12: Alliteration and rhyme domains

For starters let me remind you what is alliteration and rhyme.


Alliteration is the repetition of deliberate identical circuits of voice or letters usually at the beginning of the following words / word groups. Such treatment (stylistic) aims to emphasize certain passages (eg. The line). Examples of alliteration: "it takes two to tango".

Rym a repetition of identical or similar sounding systems letters in the endings of words (more about rhymes and their types, see eg. Wikipedia). Examples rhyme: "Healthy water will add strength," "Fraszki it all, whatever we think, Fraszki it all, whatever we do" (John Kochanowski even rhyme). Of course there is a whole bunch of types of rhymes, but we will not dwell on this.

Is alliteration and rhyme domains is a good idea? I will be brief: perfect! Why? The answer is not complicated: because we like rhymes and memorize them sensational. 
Examples can be multiplied. Let's look at a few of them (not necessarily domains):

> Coca-Cola
The main rival Pepsi. Apparently in a blind test, the majority of people choose Pepsi as the better tasting. So why do we prefer Coca-Cola? They are more spent on advertising to us water (sorry: Coke ;-) from the brain do? Guess on...

> Marilyn Manson
Uh, it's Brian Hugh Warner ;-) This is one of the most promoted artists, and his nickname is one of the better ones, which in general can be cited.

> David DeAngelo
It sounds angelic? Exactly. Probably not one woman just for the sound of his name went to the fire behind him. But it ... Eben W. Pagan.
Eben poszedł dalej: wydał ebook o podrywaniu o tytule "Double Your Dating" (podwój swoje randki). Czujesz siłę tego zestawienia: David DeAngelo Double Your Dating? 
Eben went on: ebook released by picking up the title "Double Your Dating" (dual your dating). You feel the power of this statement: David DeAngelo Double Your Dating?

> You probably know this sentence. Now you know why easily falls in the ear and is stored (scratch that, whether we like it or not).

Rhyme and alliteration is a great idea for a domain name, but also the name of the company or such. Artist name or slogan.

Remember: our mind, it is important how words sound, not how they look. If you want people to remember your words, advertising, domain - rhyme.

Examples of rhyme and alliteration in the domains:
> (for erotic service as found)
> (bad service for a webinar - see)
> (go and be surprised, hehe)
> etc.

Try to develop for themselves a domain of this type. It will be easier for you in eBusiness.

At the end of the broken his tongue: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" ;-)

slowa kluczowe min

Tip#13: Keywords in Domain

Here, opinion is sharply divided: some say that keywords in the domain do not give anything, and others - on the contrary; I mean the value of the domain, both in terms of positioning, as well as, say, in general, marketing - sales. And what it is - in my opinion - the truth about keywords in the domain? There is no short answer. Well, unless you like the answer: "it depends" ;-)

Let the pros and cons of keywords in the domain of internet, looking at them (a domain that is) at different angles, applications, purpose (function).

Let's start with disadvantages, because these ... rather, "this" is all one.
SKeywords in the domain is a bad idea when you want to build a brand on the domain / domain around.
I know, I know - many people now say that the opposite is true, that I was wrong, because there is nothing better than a domain based on one keyword (eg., etc.). However, I question whether ANY large, valuable, well-known and rich company / brand has in its name the word / words common? Of course, you do not have to take my word - I recommend to look into the report available on 
The first three probably will not surprise you: Google, Microsoft and Coca-Cola. As you do not like to read multiple pages, jump straight to the page. 9 quoted the report.

I'm sorry if this report upset your world upside down - I just I give the facts. There is an exception to this rule, but it already in the pros slightly lower read.

And now the advantages - and these are few. The domain with the word / keywords can be good because:

1. Clearly defines what can be found on page
If you have a domain, it is obvious that we can find there eg. The location of petrol stations in Poland or something similar. If the domain is, it probably is a service for renting or selling trailers. It is true may be two exceptions to this rule, when:
> Keyword has several meanings (eg., or very general (eg., etc.).
> Word / keywords are not used for their intended purpose - eg., - information, see below.

2. It can be used to build brand
It is this exception mentioned above, and writing about and You may be tempted to build a brand (brand) domain consisting of word / words common. But there is one condition: you have to use these words to build a brand not directly related with the word / words in the domain. Here are some examples:
Why in the forefront of companies / services domain registrars there are no sites with names such or The answer is simple: do not remember a well-domains that contain common words used for their intended purpose. >
Again, there is no direct relation to the nature of the service. "Home" and "name" do have an indirect link with the Internet domains (home - "home" home like domain; name - can be associated indirectly, because the domain is, after all ... the name), but the lack of a direct connection is enough to be able to build on their producer.
Or "blueberries" is a fruit shop? Of course not - it's well-known manufacturer of smartphones.
"Red Bull" obviously does not deal with randy breeding bulls ;-)

3. It is good for positioning
You can also put it somewhat differently: for easy positioning.
Rozgraniczmy 2 issues here. One is disputed, and the second - I think so - not subject to discussion.

a) Keywords in the domain is relevant to Google
In this regard, opinions are divided: some believe positioners that are not affected, that they are part of the dispute, and the remainder, the largest part - it is very small (but still do). I will say this: in my opinion, the keywords in the domain are important for Google, and it's not that small. My reasoning? Let's think a certain issue.
Almost all are in agreement that it is worth placing keywords in URLs. So better to have the address than (not to mention the fact that the dynamic address, type is still worst). Would you agree with me? OK, so I thought. Let's continue this path.
Positioners Most would agree that it is worth also in the names of directories (URLs) placed keywords. So better to give than, and more Would you agree with that?
Okay, now let's think: if Google are important (because they are!) Keywords in URLs (directories and file names), is the word / keywords in the domain, which is the most important part of the address (the core) They should not be even more important (or at least comparable)? In my opinion the answer to this question can be only one: the keywords in the domain are important and not marginal.
Does this mean that you should make every effort to have a domain with the word / keywords on which we depend for positioning? Yes and no. If one of the main objectives is to be a domain of its visibility in Google (for me:, then try to be the keywords in the domain. But if you want to increase zapamiętywalność your address or just build a brand on it, then place it on a unique name. Or use keywords not for their intended purpose (ie for example. for the shop with Italian shoes ;-)

b) Keywords in the domain are often anchor textem
Let's say you want to position the Google for the phrase "pasta". Let us now consider two cases: Case 1 - you have a domain ;-)
Case 2 - you have a domain (remember: selling noodles now, not Italian shoes ;-)
To be high up in the search results for the word "pasta", you need to do 2 things (deliberately simplifying the case here): - Optimize service under the phrase "pasta"
- zoptymalizować serwis pod frazę "pasta"
- - To gain links to the site of the anchor "pasta"
OK. If you have full control on anchor text links (for example. These are pages of your facilities pozycjonerskiego), then there is no problem: you give "pasta" as the link text and so. However, there are situations where you have no such comfort: you can just paste your address / domain (or does someone else). In such a system you will be on positioning:
Case 1 - the word "niteczkikiteczki" ;-)
Case 2 - the word "pasta"
Do you understand now the power domains such I call such domains wyszukiwarkowymi because their primary purpose is positioning rather than remembering the length or easy dictation.

4. You can count on additional traffic on the site
What is going on? Perhaps you will not believe me, but there are people who looking store with noodles network, type in the address bar or I guess I never in my life so I did not (use the search engine). Perhaps you also do not. This does not change the fact that a percentage of Internet users so sometimes it gets. Do not expect, however, that it will be some astronomical number of visits per month. It's just a little bonus for you for a one-word domain with a popular keyword.

5. Maybe you used to earn on it
My opinion about the mundane domains with words you already know. I do not judge their high value. However, many people think otherwise, so ... maybe you can earn on such a domain. Only that you may have trouble finding a free cool, one-word domain - the majority was registered.

Tip#14: Abbreviations and acronyms - is it worth?

Today will be a little shorter, so I odsapniesz. We will deal quickly with shortcuts and abbreviations.

skroty What is a shortcut?
A condensed record of a word or phrase. Examples of abbreviations hours. (Hour), Eng. (Engineer), MA (Master), prof. (Professor), tel. (Telephone), etc. (and so on)... etc.
The advantage of shortcuts is their length. There are, however, difficult to remember (though certainly not always). Are abbreviations are suitable for the domain? In my opinion, it depends on the shortcut and its use.
Successful domain shortcuts:
> - easily dictate, unambiguous ( it would be good to have a well - even free!)
> - looks like an abbreviation of "professional" and not a "professor"; although it sounds better example. - one letter more, but better to pronounce, cool sounds and associate quite clearly.
Failed domain shortcuts:> - short for "east" is not very well and looks; at first glance, not even too much associated with the east> - ni stands for "cosine" than "something" without line than this acronym (maybe an organization called the Renewal Center Heart ... ?) Fortunately, in this domain lies Sports Centre - with acronyms, see below.
You alone decide whether it makes sense to push the domain shortcut. In general - not really. But maybe you can find some positive exception, who knows.

What is the acronym?
akronimy min Acronym (or acronym) is a word formed by the reduction of two or more words (rarely one word). Examples of acronyms: RP (Poland), PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), cneb (Time For E-Business) and Polmos (Polish Spirits Monopoly) or Cepelia (Head of Industry and Folk Art).
Are abbreviations are suitable for the domain? If I were to answer briefly and without comment, I would say not. But this is a gross oversimplification and is not always true.

Acronym is the wrong domain when:
> It comes from a completely new, unknown name, eg. A fictional company Prostownia Banana and Other junk - = hopelessness ;-)
> It is long, eg. For the above stated companies relating to bananas: (so called. Acronym alphanumeric group)

Acronym can be a good domain when:
> Is commonly known, for example. or (I would see this domain especially for the business entirely with caps taken from, eg. The manufacturer of hats - no kidding!)
> Really cool sounds, for example. (Existing acronyms) (American Bank) or (Poland Pharmacy).

autoportret stanislaw wyspianski


Tip#15: New words in domains

nowe wyrazy Does the title of this tip, you feel strange? It seemed you so far, that the best are the domain consisting of a dictionary of words? Today, I write a few sentences about domains with new words.

I refer to abstract concepts, onomatopoeic or so. neologisms (that is, new words - Where did the idea for this approach to domains? And remember tip # 13: Keywords in domains? Well - if you want to build a brand, you might want to put on the domain / type name:

Although Googol is of some importance (, hardly anyone even knows about it. A name Google associates today almost everyone.

Like a cry of great joy. Now clearly associated with the web portal (although in Poland is not very popular).

"Amazing" company - literally and figuratively.

Can you believe that YouTube has only been around since 2006 (Beta was founded in 2005)? And now you think "videos on the Internet" - you say, "jutjub."

The idea Piotr Majewski on the training platform. A new word based on the word "academy". The Academy web site, or ekademia. Not a bad idea and a catchy name. Interestingly, when Peter came up with the idea ekademii, domain was busy. After some time it turned out that someone has registered this domain - did not prolong her (probably not found a use for it, or gave up the idea of ??ebusiness). Peter, of course, took this address today successfully expanding its platform.

Name opensourcowego CMS project. Interestingly, written with an exclamation point (in terms of Demeny, the exclamation point is omitted). Joomla! I mean the same as "all together" or simply "everything". Joomla! He separated from the project Mambo - a curious name.

It is the only Polish company that was on the list of the biggest companies in the world Fortune magazine. Great name. Although at appears at the time of writing these words, I really damn website. Had giant fuel treat e-marketing with neglect...?

And a bit more on this subject, I recommend you read the free publication of the Patent Office on trademarks - Patent Office Take a few moments.

Advantages of domains with new words:

1) Do not include keywords, so positioning will not help you.

2) It's easy to remember. Of course there will be exceptions to this rule. However, the sooner you will remember domain than

3) You can, for them to build a powerful brand. If you want to build a huge business or ebusiness, take a few weeks to develop the perfect domain in the form of neologism. If you can not handle yourself - replaced at developing a name.

4) When a new word / name will become very popular, it will be entered by people in a search engine. Will change, therefore the keyword. There are cases when a new word (mainly due to its popularity) is entered in the dictionary!

Disadvantages of domains with new words:

1) Do not include keywords, so positioning will not help you.

2) nothing (or very little) talk about what you do. In other words: when someone sees the same domain, usually absolutely nothing to him she says.

3) It takes time and / or significant investment in order to promote the new name.

4) The new word in the domain of the most common causes that the domain (in itself), there is little or nothing is not worth it. Of course this is at the beginning. When the name to popularize the value of domain rapidly growing.

To sum up: if, for example. Assume a new company, you develop a name for the product line and are looking for a domain for the portal, you can bet on a new word in the name / domain. Remember, however, that this approach (strategy) for the most common and long-term. However, you should decide on such a step, because the reward can be a really rightful.

Tip#16: Domain Company - the company name in a domain?

I'll start with the most important: not always the domain / company website is most important to you. Most companies doing business or strictly ebusiness has several - a dozen (sometimes more) domains / sites. They could be divided as follows:
> Company website
> Expert blog and / or forum
> Store / internet stores
> Page build a list of e-mail
> Sales websides
Promoting the Internet and offline more often we depend eg. Sales pages - not on the corporate website. Why? Because corporate website is usually a collection of information about your company: offer, any certifications, experience, portfolio, customer reviews, privacy policy and regulations, mission, contact information. Corporate rarely is the best source of acquiring customers. To better fit the likes of Squeeze Page (with English. "Squeezers"), which focus on one action, which you most want: to save the mailing list, a phone call or purchase a particular product / service.

Why did the introduction of the types of websites for business? I wanted to show you that the domain company does not have to (in most cases simply can not) meet the 10 functions simultaneously. Company website is your base, showcase, a collection of all the important information for customers.

In my opinion, the best solution is not only a company name in the domain. As of today, the names of companies in the form of domains are becoming increasingly popular, but then it is a small percentage.

Do you see the name of the company will automatically know that when you add tip Forums uprising domain address of this company? Of course not. And seeing have no doubt that this domain. These 3 characters (dot and peel) make a big difference. So if you are before the foundation of the company, it is essential to develop a the name / domain name, register it (with the tip Forums - see tip # 1), then attach your company to your domain name. Already at the start you execute perfect myk marketing that you do not yet free.

Above I gave the recipe for the perfect solution for the newly formed company. You may not have that luxury - the company already operates, and got its name. OK.

General principles of corporate domains can be determined as follows:
1) Try to put your company name in the domain. If your company is called "Dreams Lenia," of course, redemption domain and (you can also buy extensions .com and .eu, that nobody you on these domains did competition). legnica part 2) If you have a company with tails in the name, for example. "Pink Skirts", register a domain:
legnica strony2) If you have a company with tails in the name, for example. "Różowe Spódniczki", register a domain:
> www.różowespó (IDN, czyli z polskimi znakami)
> www.różowe-spó (IDN)
For which of the domains and redirect put on it the other domain? Hmm, just in this particular case there is no clear answer. I nevertheless would put on the first of them, written wherever possible with large letters:
3) If the domain name of your company is already registered, you can try to buy this domain. Absolutely do not do something like that, which I will describe below.
Let's say that your company is called "Colosseum", and you are washing ... (you have a network Laundry in Krakow). Of course, domain is busy (pizza). So you think to yourself "I need to register a domain name of the company." And you wonder:
and perhaps add "something" to the name:
> or
or even:
None of the above domains is NOT a good idea! Do you want:
> Promote competition? (If you do not have .net - that's what you do)
> Domain does not have to remember? ( ???)
So what to do in such a situation, the domain name of your company is busy with the .pl extension? You can:
> Choose a slightly different domain than the name of the company, for example. instead It is not a perfect solution, but not the worst either.
> Add "something specific" to the company name, for example. Also, it is not a good way, although it has a certain advantage:
you know, what you do.
>Register the domain completely different from the name of the company, but saying what you do, for example. Advantages: provide the industry and the city - which is 2 specifics in the domain.
> Register the domain completely "with cap" and build on the brand, for example. Sounds ridiculous? Well, actually, this is not the best choice. Although it also has its advantages: figuratively you say what you do (in the washing machine drum rotates ;-), is short, without Polish characters, has alliteration and 4 times "o". And it is free (at the moment, as I write these words).
4) If you have a long company name, for example. "We help Kochan Polish Mother", you can:
> Register and, but not to treat them as appropriate domains (which promote and which / that you do redirection)
> Develop an abbreviation of the name, for example. or and promote this domain and considered as a major
> Put on a domain with a name, for example.,, like.
> Come up with a new domain name is not associated directly with the company name, for example. - a metaphor for the mother (domain free!).

Although wrote out a little today, it still is a shortcut on the corporate domain. Each case should be considered individually. 
Often you have to go for a compromise. Anyway - there is always a possibility of registering a great domain company. The issue of the meeting on this for a long time.

Tip#17: Is it worth it to use funny names?

zabawnenazwy minIs it worth to have a domain that funny? (At least theoretically funny). It depends. There is no simple answer.

The general rule is that like funny things, statements, situations. We like and we remember well. Therefore, funny domain should be better remembered. Additionally, if the domain will be picked up by the Internet, you can count on viral marketing. However, the case of funny names does not look so rosy again.

How funny domain? For example:

Diminutive, for example. (to store nutrients for bodybuilders ;-), Such a solution will be good for the few businesses or ebiznesów. For the hardware store for newborns ( "bobaski"), the domain will be good for the store of nutrients ( "tiny") probably also. But whether the bank under the domain a good idea? Probably not. From the bank we expect seriousness and security, not a joke (though of course jajcarną advertising bank can do - I am talking here only about domains).

Hidden and funny sense domain, for example. for service of policemen, to promote the drug for hemorrhoids (!) Or for the service of ... traffic accidents. But whether, for domain for a funeral is a good idea? Probably not, though...

Funny 2-3 word phrase, for example. (in total is an interesting idea in this domain - Bartek thanks for the link), (know what the origin, hehe) or; -) Just be careful with such domains. Using an event, saying politics or stumble star can gain popularity, eg. A blog, but usually for a short while. In the long term rather not be a good business ideas. For example, let's look at domain Most recently, he was a media frenzy on this phrase. Of course, someone instantly registered the domain, and other extensions. You just checked and imagine that domain and are busy, and the domain of the .pl extension ... free. You already know why these are short-term actions?

If you know English, you can look here Summary silly domains - according to the author, of course ;-)

To sum up the issue of funny domains I will say this: in most ebiznesów (traditional or businesses) such domains will not check. If you manage to hit an exception, it only confirms this rule. Therefore proceed cautiously with funny ideas for the domain.

Tip#18: Invented name or common?

nazwa wlasna domeny min In fact, now I wrote about it in tipach # 13 and # 15. To recap, therefore, quickly:

if you want to build a brand - attitudes to their own unique name, that is, for example. (free! - as of December 1, 2009), instead of

if it is typically the domain of the search engine - attitudes to the common name, or (free!) instead (no massacre - too slow! A really good sound - a mix: cash + Moto car + = kasamo)

Recently someone said that these is pretty cool domain and brand is also suitable. I typed in Google "loans" and I will give the first 10 results:
Which of these names may be able to remember you or me? Sooner or Just not in the top10 ;-)

There is one more interesting solution. Maybe that you do choose. For example, you can register a domain type and (perhaps someone you already beat ;-). Ultimately, you are building a brand - of course - around But first, you put two sites on the following domains. Of course, each of them has unique content. Each of them has the same subject matter (important!). And both of you start positioning. After some time, "canceling" the service of the long domain and do a 301 redirect to the domain Effect? Positioning one of the domains is fed into the second. And that the latter was also positioned and had its value - a strengthening of its position. Mykes cool, is not it? ;-)

Tip#19: Personal Domains

domenyosobiste min As I understand the personal domain 2 possibilities: -domena for an expert in a particular field to promote their own names; -domena on the page, blog about yourself - that private.

In the case of domains personal matter is quite simple and clear. Follow these rules:

Best personal domain is

Whenever you can, register such a domain.  If you have a name without tails (é, a, s, etc.) - you're lucky. If tails, you can also register IDN domain, ie for example. and www.gwóźdź.pl. By the way, with such names it is worth considering the meaning of insisting in the promotion of the names in the domain. A better solution may be for example. Promotion of nicknames, nicknames (if it sounds good, and there is no Polish tails).

With popular names probably you will have a problem with the domain, because it will be registered by someone in front of you. Put on then: (redemption also
or, which is the first letter of the name and last name, for example. Here, of course, will be a problem, because the first letter of the name is not clear: "j" may be George, Jeremi, Jolanta, berry, Jacek, Jaroslaw, James, John, Julian ... Therefore, the full name will be the better solution - though longer in the record .

Tip#20: The domain for e-mail

domena dla adresu e mailowego If you are serious about business or purely e-business, you can not have a mailbox:

created a free hosting offered, eg. by large portals; I see and this one example. I want to sell something, then... guess what I'm doing,
created a domain or subdomain that is not yours.

So what remains? Obviously box / mailboxes on their own domains.

Remember that the ideal e-mail box is If you only have such an opportunity - you need to have just such a case. Secondly - so to speak - it is or, for example. or (not recommended "side" - not everyone knows that you're talking about Office Customer service). There is nothing to prevent a few people were using the same domain. Besides, you should have mail aliases for different tasks.

These rules apply to ebiznesów and small businesses, often single. In the case of larger businesses it is similar, with a few differences:
> No one in the larger company does not use boxes type
> Mailbox staff, board, and even the President usually look the same: - this is, of course, in this case the perfect solution (you know who it is and of what is company)
> For the various departments of the company creates are often separate box, type or

If you're already in the subject of email addresses, here comes another weakness domains tails (IDN). Why? Because the e-mail address can not be napisz@cóż And if you are promoting a domain IDN, some people (despite appearances - not only those uneducated Internet-!) May try to send emails just to address the ogonkami.Zwolennicy IDNów not agree with me.

Tip#21: Domain sales: online shops

sklepy internetowe What are domain sales? It addresses the parties to sales, namely:
> Internet shops
> Type page squeeze page (or conference / sales page)
Why I distinguished this type domains in 2 separate tipach? Because they are governed by its own rules.

First, let's online shops.

For shopping, there are many solutions, and each of them - with their advantages and disadvantages - it can be justified and / or optimized in a particular case. So again, there is no rule of "so and so is always the best." The following solutions:
-Domena Vulgaris, or example. for online store portfolios. Is this a good approach?
Pros: keyword in the domain, we know what's going on.
Cons: hard to remember, it does not stand out (remember, it's about, and not for example.

-Domena Company = shop, or such. Company name is and shop (also from corporate data, etc., So there is not a separate company website) is located at (let's add that this fictional company deals eg. plastic surgery of the nose and sells some special accessories at the store ;-). Is such a solution is good? One of the best! Why? You focus on promoting one name - the name of the company store and the company website (so to speak) in one. Thus increasing your chance of success.

-Domena With a new word (neologism) or common word used "the cap." What is going on? You have for example. the said company, but you have a shop under a different name: (believe that free?). Such a name for the store associated with great noses is an ideal (everyone wants to have a delicate nose ;-). 
Advantages: by separating the shop from the domain name does not condemn the one business profile (of course, with this conviction is an exaggeration, but to some extent you limit yourself leeway with one name); domain has a chance to be great a remembered.
Cons: you have to promote 2 domain - the store and company. And here I bow in a sense my approach: I promote not at all (domain company and the company name in one), but I promote sales pages (eg. In some cases (like me) descends company website (intentionally) to plan further. However, in the case of eg. Large corporations, often the domain company is a kind of base, the center, the core of the company (eg., although they also have English

Subdomena To the corporate domain, type
Advantages: a focus on corporate domain / brand (, very readable name. 
Cons: long, difficult to remember.
It is often the solution. I'm not a fan, but this is the worst possible solution.

-Subdomena A foreign domain, which is the worst solution. Example:
Advantages: hmm, significant - none (here just a keyword - watches). 
Cons: not to remember, long, you do not own a domain, it looks unprofessional. Never decide on a solution.

Tip#22: Domain Sales: squeeze page

squeeze page Previous tip concerned domains for online merchants. Came the hand (actually a single page) sales. Their name comes from the West - they are called. squeeze page or sale page or sales page.

Some pages whose task is to save on mailing list (database of e-mail) called squeeze page'ami and the parties strictly sales (where it comes to selling a product or service) - hall / sales page'ami. I've been using these names interchangeably. They are simply so. squeezers (with English. = squeeze squeeze). They focus on one action on what we care most about: a record on the list, a phone call or an order - are the most common NOA (Most Requested Action) and the NPA (most desired action).

OK. We explained what pages are sales SP (squeeze page). So how should look the domain to that party sales?

The basic rules are as follows:

-Domena Not be krótkapółpauzy If you manage to develop a short domain sales, which will fulfill its role - it's great. Do not take long, however, a domain in this case as a priority. Domain sales of this type are governed by somewhat different rules. Nothing stands in the way that domain consisted of 2-3 words.

-Don't Try to build a brand, eg. By the neologism
Perhaps you can find an exception to this rule. But it will be only a sporadic case. In general: not worth it to build a brand around the domain of sales of this type (the online stores is obviously a different situation). Why? Among others because they are rare situations when you only have one page sales. I eg. In this moment I have 6 pages of this type, and there will be at least a dozen. Do you think I would be able to build a brand around a dozen domains virtually at the same time? I do not have a chance.

-Domena Should speak, what is it
That's right - the merits of the case. In my opinion, the domain of SP should clearly possible to say what is on the page. If you see, do you have any doubt about what you can find by clicking the link? This domain is far easier marketing on the Internet. Of course it is difficult to remember, but - once again to emphasize - the domain sales are other priorities.

-Domena Should contain keywords
The optimum is when you manage to combine these two things: a clear message domains and keywords. What's interesting - it is usually possible! Look at - this domain says almost everything about the content of the site and contains the optimal set of keywords. Think solution. I consider them to be optimal at the sides of the sales of "squeezer."

-Interesting, Rather long name, a lot of talking
There is one approach. I use it myself also. As for the name rather descriptive, but not focused entirely on keywords. So I acted in the domain This domain is fun and a lot of talking about content. But it is not designed strictly for search engines. Almost no one is looking for the phrase "secrets positioner" or even "secrets" or "positioner". It is, however, the word "secrets" and "positioner". And in this case the key words. Therefore, seeing this domain are expecting a site / page for positioning the secrets, right? And exactly this is: this is a site sprzedażowa for training in positioning websites. Additionally, has some makings of a brand. Add to this my second service sales - - create some awareness of these domains and training.

-Long Name, little or nothing is not talking
This solution, which do not use, and all in all I would not recommend. It's about creating domains that ... hmmm, even hard for me to determine the meaning of their creation. This is fashion that comes from the West. Certainly to some extent due to the fact that with a .com extension is already registered the names of most of cool (even word-2). Of course, there will be free name (itself recently developed a 2 sześcioliterowe cool domain .com, but ... I changed my strategy and it OLALA ;-)
Therefore some western marketers will register a domain type (fictional domain). Maybe it's better I sign with large letters: Is this domain says something? Nothing. It is enigmatic. Or (just operating domain). Where did the idea for such a domain? In fact, the response can be one. If you run ebusiness in English, you have a global reach. I estimate this market to about 100 times (!) Higher than Polish. Thus, in the great e-marketers are able to reach a huge amount of Internet users, often calculated in the millions .... Thus, someone who has:
a) well positioned service (thousands of visits per day)
b) a huge database of address (even more than a million)
can create a name and build their popularity a little method "brute force" - that is, the amount of (subscribers and visits) is translate into quality (zapamiętywalność name). I find it's not the best approach. Much better is indicated in the previous section.

Tip#23: The domain for your blog or forum

Domain for your blog and forum seem at first glance a trivial subject. Right: they seem. Here, too, there are several possibilities. You have to choose the best option for your specific case.

Domain for your blog

Of course it depends for which the blog: corporate, personal, expert or hobby. Principles of selecting a domain for blogs describe as follows:

Great choice for a personal blog or an expert. You promote yourself. People are starting to recognize you and associate. In addition, if you do not have a tail in the Polish name - the perfect domain.

A good solution. If the domain name is allocated to other services (eg. Corporate website), such a solution is a good choice.

This is a very common solution and not at all bad. Although from the point of view of memorizing the names of the subdomain is not good (sometimes also quite long), it has 3 main advantages:
- Clarity of the message - you know what it is (usually)
- Keyword "blog" - if a domain is also the word / keywords (eg. Computer), then you have more chances that a user's query type "blog keyword" (eg. "Blog computer") will be higher in Google
- As a way for the domain for your blog uses many people and companies, so it is a popular and recognizable

A solution similar to that described above. The only difference is that here in the domain name business. This solution enhances branding and zapamiętywalność same name, so it is a pretty good approach.

The domain for the blog with the word / keywords may be a good idea. Why? Because:
- Contains the word / keywords in SEO
- He says bluntly, what is a blog
- There is a chance that the domain will be short
Disadvantage: The name is not unique, so it is difficult to remember.

Using a unique, new name for the blog ( (free!) For a blog about video games) or a word common to misuse (eg. to blog about ... how to kiss - ) deprive the obviousness name, but ... it will be well remembered. In my opinion, this is a very good solution for your blog.

Domain for forum

domena czy subdomena min And again - it depends for which the forum: company (there are any), general (multi-subject), industry (theme) or hobby (the 2 latter are often the same). The rules for selecting a domain for (or forums) describe like this:

Very common solution. And pretty good. Advantages:
- Keyword "forum" - if a domain is also the word / keywords (eg. Ebusiness), then you have more chances that a user's query of "forum keyword" (eg. "Forum ebusiness") will be higher in Google (founded by me on this phrase is currently at # 2 on Google, and it will be for some time to 1 ;-)
- As a way for the domain for forum (like for blogs) employs many people and companies, so it is a popular and recognizable
- It's hard to remember address
- Address sometimes gets quite long

Rare solution. In the case of big brands might make sense, because it is a large community that wants to talk about the company, its products, services, history, customer service, etc. On the other hand ... there is nothing to prevent that - with a small company, even one-person (!) - try to go this route. If the person running this forum (best-owner: the charisma, eggs, knowledge and sense of humor) will conduct it in a unique and professional, I think there is a good chance for success.

The domain for the forum with the word / keywords may be a good idea because:
- Contains the word / keywords in SEO
- Says bluntly, what is the theme of the service (although it is not known whether this company website, blog, forum etc.)
- Is the possibility that the domain will be short
Disadvantage: The name is not unique, so it is difficult to remember.

Using a unique, new name for the forum or common word used incorrectly, and you reach a certain goal: a unique name. I have the impression that this solution better suited for a blog than a forum. Although I could be wrong - you will find a great name for this type of forum and create something popular and recognizable. Who knows.

General principles for a blog or forum:

In some cases, this name can not just say clearly what it is, but also cool sound, for example. Someone might say that the same is obtained by or Sure, only if these domains are free?

I am opposed to this solution. Do not use it. This address is very hard to remember and looks unprofessional.

Let me give you one more way to a domain for your blog or forum: shortcut. In general, I am opposed to shortcuts, but for example. ( "di" as "Internet domain") for a forum or blog about domains is a good idea. 
In general, I am opposed to shortcuts, but for example. ( "di" as "Internet domain") for a forum or blog about domains is a good idea.

At the end of one note: selecting the name (domain or subdomain) to a blog or forum, do not point to the fact that the subdomain pay nothing (or type! If you want to operate on the Web, a few pounds a month for a domain may not be for you too exorbitant amount. If it is, take care of... something else.

Tip#24: The importance of a domain in other languages and slang

strony responsywne wroclawHmm, interesting question is not it? Many people forget about it ... and once followed by awakening that is sometimes unpleasant. Let me add immediately that important domain in another language or slang can be both positive and negative for the reception of the domain.

Look at these 2 domain
Reloj watch it in Spanish. My friend is the domain shop with watches. Of course, in Poland - not in Spain ;-) Is it successful domain for the store with watches? Very good. Besides the obvious advantages (eg. Long, cool tone), it has one: suitable brand. Such domain well to memorize.
page responsive wroclawCeleber in Latin means famous. Besides, the word works in our language (celebrity, celebrities). Honestly, it's one of the best domains (in my opinion), which developed: virtually no defects. It can have an infinite number of applications - is extremely versatile. I have been her idea ;-)
And now two examples of domains with opposite pole:
Still free - take, if you want. Only if you know the meaning of the word stink in English? Something smells bad to me.
Hmm, someone registered this domain. I wonder what will be the service ;-)

When it comes to slang, it is appropriate to speak about the importance of the domain "Polish slang" and "foreign slang" (if you can use such concepts). When it comes to foreign language slang, we may be completely unaware of the error. So what to do? If you have a perspective of input, eg. For the Scandinavian market with its brand and products, check out the importance of their planned name in Scandinavian languages ??and ichniejszym slang. The best know someone there and rely on his opinion. Otherwise, you can call someone, even to the embassy ;-) You can also bury the Web.

In the case of domains that contain words that are our native slang can hit both successful and misguided ideas. For example:
For the bank it would be downright suicidal idea. But eg. For a blog with an egg, where the videos would be associated with ideas to make money - why not.
For dating addressed to the people in the autumn of life is ... inflection. But eg. For the service, which could be used to replace cells - as found.
This domain is a total guess anything is not suitable. Neither the company offering the service flizowania or for the service of the youth. Check the meaning of the word here.

Therefore, beware of slang and check the meaning of the names being developed in other languages. Or just place it on a foreign language (reloj, celeber) - can you pay for it.

Tip #25: Write biginning of domain with Uppercase

Is saving Internet domain names in capital letters make any difference ?. The kind of detail, and sometimes very important.

If you have not yet been known, then know that this link: (page it just training with positioning in Google) works the same as So enter large letters in the domain technically does not change anything - the link still works properly. You can easily every time you use this procedure.

Why write the first letters of words in a domain CAPITAL letters? Because the domain is easier to read this there is nothing to discuss. For example: kontra :-)
Your more conspicuous in a thicket of other links. Pay eg. Attention to the sponsored results (from Google AdWords) in Google search results. Can you believe that the phrase "business" among the sponsored links, no one uses the display domain of capital letters? Eg. service. Is not it better to have done so by saving domain: Rhetorical question.

In addition, a little easier to remember domain name, if we see it from the Great Letters.
In sum:
-nothing you it does not cost
-only a minute will you change letters,
-you can gain a lot.
Save therefore the words in the domain of the large letters. Well, unless you have a one-word domain (, short ( or numbers ( ;-) - then give yourself peace of mind with the Great Letters. A domain - for readability - save just no internet, or

Tip#26: Several domains and 1 service?

Question: I have 1 service, which will be guided by a number (eg. 5) domains?
Answer: Yes, of course.
How to realize this in practice? Here's the simplest solution:
> Ideally, if you own all the domains that redirect you, although this is not necessary
> Each domain must be redirected to the so-called. nameserwery your hostingodawcy. For example, if you bought the server (, your name servers are:,, If - etc.
Redirecting set your panel management domains at your domain registrar (handle it certainly alone). > All domains must assign to your server. In the aforementioned you need to do 2 things: add a domain alone in active admin panel and send mail to asking you add the domain to your server.
> All the domains that you want to redirect 1 service must point to the same directory on your server, in which the directory service is located (specifically, index.html, index.htm or index.php).
> Remains throwing .htaccess text file to the same directory. In doing .htaccess redirect several domains on one selected. Remember to also do a redirect to the www or non-www. Follow called. redirecting 301. For more technical information on this topic you can find easily on the Web

When you use a redirect several domains on one website? Such situations may be at least a few.

Here are the most common.

> You change the concept for the domain, say, corporate
You have a domain At the time of the search domain for your store with conifers domain with the .pl extension it was busy. Your decision fell on .eu (you already know that it was a mistake ;-). Once you check the availability of domains and ... hooray! (by the way: a free domain at the moment) fired up! Thus registering a domain name ending in .com and you have two domains. I do a 301 redirect to the domain with the .pl extension. If someone types in your browser old domain, or click on a link with that domain will be automatically redirected to the domain with the .pl extension. Sometimes such change can come at you really good (ie. The transition to the domain .com)

> Domain with hyphen or without?
Exactly. You have 2 domain and Decide on one of those domains and take her to redirect a second domain (for myślnikach domains written in the tip#9).

> Strengthen the positioning
I'll tell you now one of the secrets positioners. Registering a domain name, say, This is a fun domain of the positioning, but hopeless for branding. Note that the name of your company and your company is (free ;-). Therefore, you position the two domains: the company / branded calmly, wisely, slowly, good thematic links; the domain of SEO in a faster, wider and less pedantic (in terms of you as quick results, even at the cost of some risk). After a few months, you already have a domain positioned on the phrase:
tanie domy krakow - 1 miejsce w Google
domy krakow - 4 miejsce
tanie domy - 8 miejsce
And now you're doing a 301 redirect this domain company domain. Effect? Strength wypozycjonowanego service goes on (exactly: Domain)!

Tip#27: Legality domain - what does it mean?

Exactly. The issue is disputed: when the domain is "illegal"? 
I'm talking about when you act or you can act (or not act, but the court finds that the act ;-) but at someone's detriment. Not necessarily any brand - specifically a trade mark registered by a company; See what the trade mark - but also individual. When may this situation? Eg. Where:

> You have a domain registered trademark
Of course, not restricted by you, but by someone else. Let's say you have a domain (free). For Coca-Cola will not constitute any problem you receive this domain, and you, you may be in trouble.

> You have a typo trademark in a domain
Eg. Registering domain (registered and are under her advertising links) and counting for traffic due to errors of people who clicked on the name of Orange letter "h" instead of "g". Do not do this. The issue of operator Orange and desires you pick this domain; additionally you can pay for acting against...

> You have a domain name uniquely identifies a person
Probably it will be a fairly rare occurrence. But it can happen that someone has enough original and rare name, the domain name of his (frequently: first and last name) will clearly it sets out. Let's say that it is a domain ;-). If you register a domain with your name Iwa and put under it "ugly" content (eg. Adult material or violence) that could bring visitors to the site to believe that Iwo has something to do with the content in common - will act to the detriment Iwa (you harm his reputation). But if you put in this domain "normal" information service for Iuie, nothing bad you will not meet. Nobody domain you will not receive. Just what you after such a domain, hmm?

Many people dealing with issues of Internet domains can argue with these I have over 3 caseloads. The court may behave differently. It does not change the fact that such practices are unethical and definitely not recommend it to you. There are plenty of other ways for a great domain - you do not have to resort to feeding on someone else's brand, name, trademark or name.

strony www wroclaw cennik

Tip#28: Is it worth to buy a domain from someone?

You probably think that I am against buying domains from second-hand, right? I will say this: I am opposed to overpaying for the domain. Just a good portion of domain valuation is taken from the ceiling. 
I will not be here dealt valuation methodology domains. I'll tell you, however, when someone redemption of a domain name can be a sensible option.

> Do you have an idea for a domain
Well, basically I secretly hope that after this course you will have an idea - and not just one or two - on your own domain / domain. I am aware, however, that not everyone is so creative and inventive to yourself to develop a super domain. In this case, you can look at the offered domains (eg. Here), choose something and contact the seller - maybe speaks affordable and domain will be yours. For example, at the moment the sale is the domain If you're not a fan M.O.D. (I'm actually - Billy Milano rocks! ;-), It may just think of the domain for the service with plugins, modules, and various scripts on a web page - domain will be pretty good.

> So sometimes, you can not help. So well, if you happen to be on sale. It remains only a question of price. Remember, however, that the domain is an investment. If you are going to spend eg. 10000 zł per domain, consider whether it is worth - whether your benefits will exceed those invested 10 thousand. Perhaps a better idea would be slight change of strategy and record another free name. Think well. Especially at the beginning of the business, when all the missing money (I know this from somewhere ;-), release a few dozen or tens of thousands per domain may not be the best step you can take.

> Need to set IDN domain
Let's say you have a domain As hell could use a domain with a tail (or IDN) into the set, ie. Www.wę Thus, contacting the owner of the domain (just wę is for sale) and try to strike a bargain. It can also be the opposite situation: you have a IDN domain (eg. Www.gwoź and you want to buy a domain without tails (ie

> Someone is selling cheap
There are situations that someone is selling a cheap domain, for example. Found no idea of ??its development. If you find that this domain is well suited for any of your business ideas - take it.

Tip#29: Is it worth to register a domain for sale?

TIt is basically a topic for a separate course or ebook. Business domains in the world blooms for a long time, and in Poland, and is getting better. Domeniarzy arrives every day. Everyone dreams of the top of the money from the sale of domains - even the one and only that will change everything...

Dreamers are many, but few earn more money. Ways to monetize their domains are several, but I will not write about them. On the Web you can find a lot of information on this topic. I write you, but what I think about registering a domain for sale for everyman - not domeniarza that of the dead, or even moonlights.

In this guide, I try to present to you ways to search for the appropriate domain for your business, hobby, or whatever you want. Seeking names for themselves, often you come up with some cool, free domain. What to do then? You can:
> Register it and try to sell
> Register and use for their own use, for example. Inventing a new business or using this domain as an extra, redirect to another your service (see tip#26)
> Recommend this to a friend domain, which come in handy - it will be in your debt
> Recommend this to a friend domain, which come in handy - it will be in your debt
strony internetowe cennik wroclaw > If none of the above methods will not get you on the road, you can write anywhere on the forum or blog, someone else benefited websites pricing Wroclaw> you can finally save the name of the exercise book with the idea that maybe someday it will use to register and something (if, of course, will then be free ;-)

Perhaps you are a very creative person. And that love the game of words, word formation, rhymes etc. Hmm, maybe your destiny is coming up with great domains? Remember, all the time there are countless great domains for registration. If you have a talent in this topic, interested in a domainingiem and become Domainer. You can have a really nice and pleasant ebusiness. Though be warned - this is not the proverbial piece of cake.

In summary, my answer to the question whether it is worth to register a domain for sale, is - worth it if you want to deal seriously domainingiem. Otherwise, give a rather calm.

Well, unless you come by chance - as mentioned above - at a great, free name, you do not need. Then you have some chances to earn money. The domain name you can put on sale, eg. Here: 

Tip#30: Technical issues Domain domain names generator

Today we will take 2 issues related to the development domains. This will be the systematization of your knowledge on the subject.

As far as the technical domains, you must know that:

> Domain may have three (generally) to 255 characters. Why this number? Because the shortest extension (top level domain) is a 2-letter (eg. .com, .eu And others), and the same sub-section (or second-level domain) can have even just one mark, for example. However, in the domain names of European minimum is 2 characters (eg., a global domain names - 3 (eg. 255 is a character limit for the entire domain, for example. domain is 30 characters.

The maximum number of characters in the domain name of the second row is 63 characters (eg. is 29 characters); exception is an extension .biz - here up to 24 characters.

> The domain you can use the letters a to z, and digits 0 through 9 and the hyphen "-". Since 2006, you can register in our national domain extension with diacritics, ie. tails (ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź). It is worth noting that the registration and renewal of domains IDN is much cheaper than others.

> Connector (hyphen "-") can not be at the beginning or at the end of a domain, and - in the case of domains .eu and - simultaneously on the 3 and 4 positions name.

There are a few other rules, but most likely you will not be concerned, because I do not want to bother them of your head.

When developing a domain, you can support a certain tool. Check out our course, this wizard is not a panacea for the needs of your domain! It's just a tool that can gently help your search. Probably also accelerate these little exploration.

We reached the end of the guide on the free web domains! I hope it helped you to choose the best domain for your goals - personal and / or business.


Witold Czuba Creating websites Warszawa, London, Berlin and Legnica | Website development | Graphic artist
Address:, Marynarska 54, 59-220, Legnica, dolnośląskie, Poland, Tel.: +48 780 060 995, Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Witold Czuba

Creating websites Warszawa, London, Berlin and Legnica | Website development | Graphic artist

Marynarska 54
59-220, Legnica,
dolnośląskie, Poland,
Tel.: +48 780 060 995,
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm